Eviction ban extended unti...

Today saw another extension on the eviction ban in England, until the end of May 2021. This was originally put into place in November to protect tenants experiencing hardship and facing becoming homeless. Last month saw the ban extended until the end of this month, but today saw that extend further. This means that bailiffs are unable to repossess properties except those in extreme circumstances. These include cases such as anti-social behaviour whereby a Landlord can give only weeks' notice. This extension will then be tapered off in June 2021 but will allow businesses time after they open their doors again come April/May. When it comes to commercial businesses, the extension will go up until the end of June. While this all helps tenants and not Landlords. Those Landlords who are struggling currently with their mortgage payments due to having tenants who are unavailable to pay their rent possibly due to Covid-19 can still apply for mortgage payment breaks.

For further information on this, please call 01233 501601.

READ MORE: https://www.which.co.uk/news/2021/03/coronavirus-eviction-ban-extended-what-it-means-for-renters-and-landlords/