ashford property market update for february 2022

Halifax states uk house prices are now on average worth £276,759. The monthly increase of +0.3% was the lowest monthly change since June 2021. This means your home could have increased by around 9.7% since the start of January 2021. This could be an increase of £24,500 compared to the twelve months prior. According to Halifax in February 2022, house prices on average across the UK have increased by around £37,500 over the last two years. There is still a strong sellers market as the amount of available stock in Kent is not enough to cope with the demand, this then is pushing prices up even more. This with homeowners still wanting to move from priorities changing from lockdown and the 'race for space', we wouldn't be suprised if prices continue to increase over the next few months.

If due to this, you are curious to find out what your home could be worth on the current market, head over to

Or alternatively call us here at Evolution Properties on 01233 501601.