Top Tips For Ashford First-Time Buyers!

If you're a first-time buyer, you'll probably want to know all about the process of buying a house. Here's what I wish someone had told me when I was looking for my first mortgage!

Most lenders will require you to have a minimum of 5% deposit saved up

When you're ready to buy a home, one of the first things you'll need is a deposit. This is the amount of money that you put down on your new home as part of your purchase price. Most lenders will require you to have a minimum of 5% deposit saved up before they will approve your mortgage application. The reason for this requirement is simple: it shows them that you are serious about buying a home and not just wasting their time with an application that they don't think has any chance of being approved!

Your household income and outgoings are important too.

Your household income and outgoings are also important. The lender will want to know if you can afford the monthly payments, as well as all of your other bills and expenses.

They'll use this information to work out what size mortgage you can get and whether or not it's affordable for you. If they think that any part of your budget would be too stretched by a certain loan amount, they may decide not to offer that amount (or at least not until some changes have been made).

If you're getting a mortgage, remember to make sure the lender can't repossess your home if you lose your job or struggle to make repayments.

If you're getting a mortgage, remember to make sure the lender can't repossess your home if you lose your job or struggle to make repayments.

The government has introduced new rules that mean lenders will have to consider how much money borrowers have coming in before they take out a loan. This means first-time buyers may be able to borrow more than they could before.

But it's important that anyone buying their own home checks if they'd still be able to afford their mortgage payments if something unexpected happens - such as losing their job or getting ill and not being able to work for some time (if at all).

Don't forget about the living costs when buying a house.

When you're buying your first home, it's easy to get caught up in the excitement of being able to call your place "home." However, there are many costs associated with moving from renting to owning. These include:

  • Moving costs and fees (if applicable)

  • Furnishing a new house or apartment (including furniture and appliances)

  • Utilities (electricity, gas/oil/coal etc.) - Water supply charges - Sewerage service charge - Garbage collection charges

For first-time buyers, there's a lot of paperwork and process involved but it's worth it in the end!

There are many steps to buying a home and each one will require you to do something. The most important aspect of buying your first home is making sure that you have a good credit score, so make sure that you take care of all bills on time and avoid any late payments in the future. Also, it's important that you have enough money saved up for the deposit as well as other fees associated with buying property such as solicitor fees and stamp duty (the tax paid when transferring ownership).

Your solicitor will help guide you through all legal aspects of purchasing property including drawing up contracts between buyer and seller which must be signed before exchanging contracts takes place. Your mortgage lender will then approve or decline your loan based on information provided by them during this process. They will also advise whether any further documents need signing off from third parties such as solicitors etcetera so make sure they're happy before proceeding further!

If you're a first-time buyer, it can be daunting to navigate the process of buying a house. But if you take care of all your paperwork and research beforehand, then it will be much easier when you get to the point where you need to make decisions about what kind of mortgage would suit your needs best.

Do you have any questions as a first-time buyer in Ashford? Call us today on 01233 501601 or use our contact us page.