What are the pros and cons of selling my house at

When you consider selling your house, the pros and cons of auctions can be a major factor. Here's what you need to know about this type of sale:



  • The auction is a fast way to sell your house. You can have your property up for sale in just a few days, and the auction will usually take place within two weeks of you signing up with an agent. If you're looking for an immediate sale, this can be very beneficial.
  • It's also a fair way to sell your house - all buyers are given equal opportunity at buying the property at auction, so there are no hidden fees or tricks that would influence who wins the bid (unlike some other methods).
  • Transparency is another benefit of selling by auction; everything about how much money was paid for each item will be made public during bidding process so everyone knows exactly what happened during those few short minutes! This means there's no room for uncertainty regarding price tags either - if something goes wrong later down the line because someone didn't disclose something important beforehand then we'll know immediately who did it so they don't get away scot-free!
  • Auctions attract motivated buyers who are serious about moving.
  • You can get more than your home was marketed for.


While auctioning your property can seem like a fast and easy way to sell, it's important to consider the potential downsides.

  • You won't know who you are selling to. The highest bidder will win your home, but they could be anyone - a family looking for their first home or an investor who plans on renting out the property after they purchase it at auction. You won't know what kind of person will be moving into your neighbourhood until after the sale has been completed and someone has moved in!
  • Less control over the process: Since there are no offers from other potential buyers involved in this type of transaction (unlike private sales), there is less opportunity for negotiation between buyers and sellers during an auction sale process than with traditional sales methods such as listing with realtors or putting up a "for sale" sign on your lawn.
  • You may not get the price you hoped you would for your home.
  • Organisation is key when putting your home up for sale through auction as it is very fast-paced once the house is under offer.
  • Like with any property sale, there is no guarantee the home will sell.

Selling through auction is not for everyone. If you are unsure how to sell your home, call us today on 01233 501601 and we can guide you through what would be best for you and your situation.